Thursday, May 10, 2012

Growth Mindset


How's your day? I hope it's great and happy. I want to talk about mindset in here. Have you ever ask and see why some people reach their potential while other people who are just as talented don't.

There's two mindset that actually revolve in our life everyday. first is fixed mindset and second is growth mindset.

A fixed mindset is when people believe their basic qualities, their intelligence, their talents, their abilities, are just fixed traits. They have a certain amount, and that's that.
Other people have a growth mindset. They believe that even basic talents and abilities can be developed over time through experience, mentor-ship, and so on. And these are the people who go for it. They're not always worried about how smart they are, how they'll look, what a mistake will mean. They challenge themselves and grow.

You can see from your school life, there's some people who excel in their mark, get straight A's in a lot of subject, become a student council, have a great exposure in the school, was a head of school society but their life and career just simple. You can looked in the past that some person actually can be a CEO in a company or having a top career in his or her life but actually stuck in a middle management area or worse be nothing in particular.

It's sad to know that and you know it's all because their fixed mindset. They want to be perfect and they become afraid of making mistakes. They become afraid of tarnishing their image and taking new challenges. They only act and think about what they think is right and don't listen to others people insight, advice, and suggestion.

Some people have a growth mindset but suddenly stop after they get the top position. People with the growth mindset suddenly feel they need to secure their position with the competitive market and suddenly BAM they come to the fixed mindset. it's scary..

People always need to grow, you can learn from everything and everyone. In a growth mindset, you're focused on the process, the process that you engage in to bring about your successes, and the processes you engaged in that may have created your failures, but you can learn from them and do better the next time. So every time you feel yourself sinking into fixed mindset thinking, worrying about a challenge, feeling measured by a setback, worrying about the outcome rather than the process, try to slip yourself over into more growth mindset thinking.

Sometimes I think that the success person is not a genius person but a person who have passion, dedication, growth, attitude, and learning, not genius.Genius without passion is a wasted, genius without dedication is a mess, genius without growth is selfish bastard, genius without attitude is useless, and genius without learning is fixed mindset.

Learn from many thing, learn from failure, failure is good and a great way to get to your success life.

Be a person who have a growth mindset and you will thanks to me in the future hehehe. Are you a fixed mindset person or growth mindset person? let me know, we can learn together.

Have a Growth Mindset Day

I got the picture above from Carol Dweck's book "Mindset: The New psychology for Success" 

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