Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Law of Attraction


When is the last time you give something to the needed one? or let say when is the last time you donated something, it can be money, clothes, food, to the needed one? think about it..

Giving is a law of attraction, the more you give the more you get. don't believe me? let take an example;
  1. Bill Gates, one of the riches man in the world and guess what, he also one of the most giving person in the world. He donated a lot sum of money to the needed one in the world, mostly in Africa. Does His money getting lower? until today He still the second richest man in the world.
  2. Warren Buffet, also one of the richest man in the world and also one of the most giving person in the world. He gives almost all of His money to the needed one and you know, He still in the top ten richest person in the world.
  3. Donald Trump, when He got bankrupt in the 90's, He sold His remaining asset and gave it to charity. Now He become a rich person again.
There's a lot of people in my community who give big sum of money to charity and still rich. I never heard someone going bankrupt because of giving wealth. Do you believe in the power of "law of attraction"?

The law of attraction is a pseudo scientific belief or theory, that "like attract like" and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results, let focus on the positive mind shall we?

The More You Give the More You get.

See someone around you who giving so much in charity, or always treat you in lunch, or always give something to the needed one, do they become poor? I don't think so.

Giving is a cure to your sadness, sorrowfulness, sickness, poor, anything negative that come to you, There an experiment, someone who doing a charity or donating something to the needed one usually have a boost in His or Her healthiness. You can try it and it's easy to doing it.

Giving is the pill of Happiness, if you want to be happy then start giving something to the needed one, the more you give the more you get. The more you give money the more you get money, and believe me it not only money, you will get connection, self esteem, friends, way to get out from your problem, and the most important things is Happiness.

Have a Giving Day.

Waiting for Your Comment and Insight


  1. The movie “The Secret” exposed lots of people to the basics of the Law of Attraction but it downplayed the hard work that is needed to make things happen. Thinking or affirming things into being is not really how it works. But change is indeed possible if we put our mind to it. It is amazing what can happen when we really set our mind to something and put in the hard work. I continue to be impressed by the power of the universal message of the “New Thought” teachers of the last 100 years, and the relevance of their ideas today. I always go back to William Walker Atkinson’s book “Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World” when I need a reminder of the power of “mind” and an explanation of how the Law of Attraction REALLY works. Check out the new updated gender neutral edition at www.hudsonmohawkpress.com

  2. La Ley de Atracción opera permanentemente en el universo como en la vida de las personas. Es la ley más importante del universo pues es la que mantiene el orden en el Cosmos. El individuo que niega esta ley atraerá evidencias de su teoría y comprobará una y otra vez que no existe: ¡La misma Ley de Atracción le dará esas evidencias de su no-existencia! Obviamente no todas las personas están preparadas para este conocimiento pues viven su propio proceso evolutivo.

