Monday, March 5, 2012



Last week I had a conversation with my friend, We talked about many things and suddenly He said "It's impossible to make a difference unless you're a huge corporation or someone with lots of money, power, and influence". It made me think about it. Do we need to be powerful or rich or famous to actually make a difference in the world? What do you think? let me know in comment section.

I realized that many great people in the world actually not born in a powerful family, rich family, or even influential family. Let take a sample of Gandhi. He's not rich and not an influential person when he's born, He's the person who triggered revolution in India against England' aggression and when he did it He didn't use money or power to achieve that.
 Take another example; Nelson Mandela, not a rich person, didn't have power when He began the protest against apartheid but successfully ban the apartheid policy.
Marin Luther King Jr; One of the greatest person who wanted to make a change in this world. You know the story already don't you.

 There's a lot of people in the world that actually making a difference not because they're rich, famous, or powerful, but because they want to make a difference. ‘I’ or ‘have’ or ‘a’ or ‘dream’ are just words.  Not very compelling or inspiring.  But when you put them together in a certain order "I have a dream", they create a phrase that has been powerful enough to move millions of people to take action – action that changed laws, perceptions, and lives.  You don’t need to be inspired or emotional to agree with this, do you?”

The same way that Gandhi, Mandela, and Luther did in common is they working together to achieve a better world. We can make a difference by working together to achieve the world that we want,  one person without help from anyone else can’t do much to make a sizable difference in this crazy world - or to overcome all of the various forms of repression that exist today.  But when people get together and unite to form something more powerful and meaningful then themselves, the possibilities are endless.

Together is how mountains are moved.  Together people can make a huge building. Together is how small people make a big difference, together We can make a change.

Have a Great Day

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