Monday, July 23, 2012

Easy to Communicate 4


How's your day? Start your day with a smile and end your day with a smile, life is happiness : )

I want to tell you about the last part of easy communicate. The last part is part of visual, it called Body Language. Believe me, body language can determined whether you are confident or want to disappear from the crowd. Use the right body language when you're communicating with someone else.

Some of the weak body language, biting and picking your nails is always weak. fidgeting, putting hands in pockets, rubbing arms, touching legs, stick thumb inside of closed fist, whenever you notice this stuff happening - Stop it!!

Some of the confident body language, palms pointed towards each other like you're holding a basketball, fingertip to fingertip, thumb outside of closed fist, flashing your wrist and showing palms to people.

Knowing which side of a person's body is more comfortable for them, and which side makes them uneasy, can make a really effective body language. Always start by putting on your good side for 30 seconds to 2 minutes to determine is it compatible, then put the person on your negative side and see how they change. Observe how a person acts around others to figure out their side.
Good side cues:
  • Normal tone of voice
  • No additional filler words like ummm, errr, etc
  • Three power zone are open (Throat, Belly button, and lower body)
Remember some of this step to approach people:
  • Ensure a strong introduction, make other person remember you name, introduce using the pause, punch, pause, punch method of " Hello, my name is ... Emir ... Zakiar." Don't forget to smile.
  • Treat everyone with respect - don't talk down to anyone
  • Make the connection genuine, take your time.
  • Get them talking - ask open ended question and get them talking. 
  • Be and informant - share something personal about yourself - be up front and honest about whatever situation they are about to be in (If possible).
  • Use touch carefully and only when you are making a positive point, just a little touch but remember not every person want to get touch.
  • Nod attentively, just enough to make them know that you are interest with their story.
  • Be adaptable
  • Keep moving - depending on the situation, keep people moving at round and seeing different places with you - the environment changes give them more memories and seem to know you more - as if you were friends longer.
There's a lot of body language that you can learn, email me for some of the detail.

That's all the simple way to communicate with a stranger or with someone you know. Try to learn it and use it in everyday life, if you're afraid when approaching someone then use this simple method:
Tactical breathing:
  1. Breath in nose for 4 count, filling lower belly.
  2. Hold breath for 4 seconds.
  3. Exhale through whistle like lips for 4 counts.
  4. Say in your mind "I'm Great" 5 times.
  5. Hold your breath for a count of 4 and repeat it for 4 sets
Communication is one of the crucial part of everyday life, in terms of education, family, lifestyle, business, marketing, sales, teaching, talking, doing speech, buying, selling, many things. So why you're afraid of communicating with others?

Have a Communicating Day

Waiting for Your Comment and Insight

1 comment:

  1. Kalo bahasa inggris g begitu ngerti gan, hehehehe

    kok g di penggal aja gan artikelnya, biar bisa nampung banyak judul

    Mampir ke blog baru ane gan
