Thursday, July 12, 2012

Easy to Communicate 2


It's quite a long time since the last I made a post. Really sorry, it's because I had some project and I'm so blessed that the project run smoothly. Thanks to God for this project.

So what's about your self? do you have a great time in this couple of days? I hope so, I pray for your happiness.

I want to talk about the first thing you need to know about "Easy to communicate". The first thing you need to know in order to initiate a conversation is "What do you want to know?"
What do you want to know from the one you make conversation with, is it about work, about traveling, about having fun, about family, about new opportunity, about education, anything. But you need to know what is the subject of the conversation.

If you have a hard time initiating the first step, then I have some tricks to do:

  1. Smile while you approaching the person you want to have a conversation. Make an open body language, it will make them see that you mean no harm to them. This is the most important thing. In here, the person will make a quick judgment about yourself whether you're a good person or a bad person.
  2. Ask about something general, like weather, time, matchstick (if you're a smoker), the more general the subject then the more easy to initiate a conversation. You will need this to break the ice between you and Him/Her/Them.
  3. After you ask the general subject, the next step you can ask about the "What do you want to Know" You must ask first, and let them speak more. Use this "5W1H rule" For example:
    • You are an owner of an Italian restaurant in a busy street around the business district. Because you are a new player in that location, you want to know how the customer think with the food and the concept of the restaurant. You can smile and say "Hi I am .......... (put your name in here), I am the owner of this restaurant and I want to make a short and simple questionnaire from you:
      • What do you think about the concept of the restaurant?
      • Where do you usually go out?
      • Why you choose this menu?
      • When did the last time you eat a great Italian food?
      • How did the food taste? Do you like it?
Do you recognize in here that I don't use "Who" above. You need to be flexible when comes to conversation, Don't be to strict with the rule, it's only a tool to make you easy to initiate a conversation. Remember don't push the person with some difficult question that can make them feel uncomfortable.

4.  Make them talk by asking question, Conversation is like playing tennis, you hit the ball and the other  person will hit it back. Make this one of the rule in conversation. If you see that the person you ask seems not comfortable then you can say, "it's nice to having a little chat with you" then find another person to have a new conversation.

Try the tricks above, practice it, and make the action with it. I mean try to initiate a conversation with other person, for the first time you can have a conversation with someone you know, then after that you can try to have initiate a conversation with a stranger or your boss.

We all the human, don't be afraid when it comes to initiate a conversation, if you have a hard time talking to your superior, try to imagine that the superior is wearing an informal clothes. Say "I'm Great" five times in your thought and smile.

In the next post, I will tell you the next step to make an easy communication.

Have a Training Day

Waiting for Your Comment and Insight

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